First of all - DON'T PANIC !
You have likely entered the Vault with a Seasonal Character, they have their own separate vault and gift chest. It can be confusing at first.
In order to determine if the current character is in fact seasonal, click on the character selection drop-down menu and see if the currently selected character has the SEASONAL flag next to their name. If it's seasonal the character's name should also be green.
To access your Regular Storage instead, try to create a new character, toggle the SEASONAL to OFF, and see if the contents of the regular vault are what you are looking for.
You could also use the Seasonal statue in Nexus to convert a Seasonal character to a Regular one, HOWEVER, NOTE THAT THIS ACTION IS IRREVERSIBLE! Once you convert a character to a regular one, it can no longer become seasonal.
If you are still missing items / rows please feel free to submit a ticket to us with the big green button on the bottom of this page.