January 9, 2018
Hello everyone and Happy New Year!
With this update, we are thrilled to introduce a new Quality of Life feature. Whenever you are in the Nexus or on the Character Selection screen, you can now access a new panel and see the character's lifetime statistics!
This information has been stored by us forever, but previously players could only see it when their characters died or by using third party tools. It felt like this sort of data should be easier for players to access! Additionally, this panel lists all of the current achievements that grant players bonus Fame upon death, another piece of previously hidden data. Hopefully, this will make the Fame System a little less opaque to you.
This update has given us an opportunity to take a hard look at this current set of Achievements; and we think they could be better. We have not made many changes yet, but are planning to, in a future release, update the Achievements to be less arbitrary and exploitable, and hopefully more fun and engaging. We know that Fame is an important resource to players, and there are many of you who spent hours optimizing how much fame your character would earn - eventually making it to the Leaderboards.
Stay tuned for some more in the next updates and in the meantime, share with us your feedback on that new feature, how it can be improved and continue sharing with us ideas of changes you would wish for the Bonus Fame Achievements.
End of Oryxmas Events
The Oryxmas celebrations have come to an end.
The Permafrost Lord no longer spawns in the Realms.
Encounters and quests now have their normal sprites back.
Reskinned abilities and other items no longer drop from Events.
Tokens (Ice Shards, Primal Ice, Ornaments and Bells) no longer drop from Encounters and quests.
Tokens can still be used to claim rewards if you have a full stack.
Reindeer companions no longer grant buffs when activated but can still be summoned.
Santa's Workshop can still be accessed if you use a key, tokens still drop from Santa's Workshop.
Event Quests will remain available for an extra week, allowing you to turn in your Primal Ice for weapons as well as Ice Shards for Primal Ice and SW keys (until 01-15-18).
New Feature: Statistics Panel
You can now access a new Statistics panel in-game by either clicking on the Fame icon (Character selection screen) or on the (i) button next to fame on the GUI.
The panel displays information on your current character's performance:
Statistics (number of shots, abilities used, gods killed, etc.)
Fame bonuses (status locked/unlocked, fame gain from each bonus, etc.)
Total Fame on Death
The statistics displayed in the panel are updated each time you enter the Nexus or go back to the Character selection screen.
Character creation date will only apply for new characters created after today and display "Unknown" for older characters. Because it was not functioning correctly, the Legacy Builder achievement has been disabled.
Quality of Life
Added Shop Button on HUD for direct access from within the Nexus, replacing the old packages button.
Added (i) and (+) Button on the Resources to have a direct call to action for the new Fame UI and to Buy Gold.
Fixed player limit issue when attempting to use portals that lead to the Nexus or Realm.
Fixed certain dungeons not counting towards the Dungeons Completed counter.
Fix to the following Skins / Dye Masks: Arms Merchant Assassin, Frost Raider Warrior
Fixed an issue with the scroll bar being overlapped in the character selection screen
Fixed an issue with Base Fame values in the Statistics Panel
Removed remaining Oryxmas events and Oryx taunts
Removed Oryxmas quests from the Tinkerer
Oryx's Castle remains his Winter Castle and still drops T11 weapon reskins throughout Winter
Fixed Beer God player requirement
Fixed typo remainders from Oryxmas events