August 9, 2019
The expedition begins!
One morning you enter the Nexus and realize: it is unusually quiet. Looking around, you notice no change - everyone is where they should be, a portal to the realm gives off a low buzzing sound, there are muffled noises coming from the Cloth Bazaar - everything is as usual. Then it hits you: the dwarves that were so noisy recently have packed up and left town!
Talking to the Tinkerer you learn that the funding for their expedition is finally complete and they have gone out into the realm in search of the pink crystals they were after.
They were very grateful for the massive support they received and have left behind a big pile of gifts for everyone!
A few days later a letter comes in from the expedition asking for help! They have found a vein of crystal but their digging is drawing the unwanted attention of some strange fungal creatures. Go out and help them dig, untold riches await in the deep!
Fungal Cavern
Fungal Cavern is the first part of a brand new dungeon that will pit you against many mushrooms and other critters on your journey to incredible treasures. This cavern was once a mine, famous for its countless crystals of the highest quality, but it has since been taken over by mushroom tribes and there are few that would dare explore it. Steamhammer’s Mining Co. is willing to do so as long as they are protected by the finest adventurers.
You might spot a Dwarf Miner in the realm from time to time, he is in need of protection from mushrooms and other critters, give him a hand and defeat all the monsters that might come after him. After a little while, the ground will shake and the Crystal Worm Father now awakened will attack you, defeat him and you will be able to follow it inside the Fungal Cavern.
Loot from Crystal Worm Father
In the Fungal Cavern your goal is to help the dwarves power their drill once again to open the way to the Crystal Worm Mother and for that you will require crystals, 25 to be exact. There’s plenty scattered around so get mining!
Loot from Crystals:
Ring of Decades
Loot from big Mushrooms
Loot from Crystal Worm Mother
Life Potion
Rainbow Greater Potion
T14 Armors
And stay tuned for the second part of the dungeon Crystal Cavern coming in the next few weeks!
Community Event
Congratulations to all of you! You completed over 100,000 quests to help the dwarves fund their expedition! As a reward they give you:
2x Event Whites Drop will be on for 5 days, starting now (affected: all Encounter White bags + Quiver of Thunder)
2 free spins of the Free Fungal Cavern Box (you can find it in the Mystery Shop)
exchange Amethyst Shard x1 and obtain ST Shards x10, check at the Tinkerer
exchange Amethyst Shard x 10 and obtain one of the UFO Pet Skins, check at the Tinkerer
Rewards will be available for collection until 08/12 - 12:00 PM UTC
We noticed that our wording in the patch-notes about keeping a Amethyst Shard x1 for the reward quest was not clear enough.
Of course we would never want you to miss out on your rewards - you deserve them! That’s why our team created additional quests so you can still get an Amethyst Shard x1 right now, even if you have a bigger stack than that. We are sorry for the inconvenience - Enjoy the spoils of your hard work!
Update 2 (08/09/2019):
The "Unstack Shards 10" quest is now available at the Tinkerer! We had some technical issue which are now fixed. We again apologize for the inconvenience!
Wizard ST Rework
As part of our design goal to improve all STs we have created an improved version of the Wizard ST.
The current ST has been removed from dropping from Shatters and has been replaced with the newer version. Players will keep any piece of the legacy set that they have in their possession. In addition, all Legacy pieces will still be tradeable.
To reflect this change, the current ST and its pieces have been renamed to:
Legacy Twilight Archmage Set
Legacy Sentient Staff
Legacy Ancient Spell: Pierce
Legacy Robe of Twilight
Legacy Forgotten Ring
The Legacy Twilight Archmage Set doesn’t provide bonus stats but players can still transform to the 16x16 sprite when wearing the full legacy set. The pieces of the Legacy set do not work with the new Twilight Archmage Set.
The new Wizard set will drop from Shatters. It has an improved Staff, Ring and bonus stats.
2 Shots
50 - 110 Damage
Range 8.3
Projectiles speed 200
Reduced Amplitude
20 Shots
Ignore defense of target
Cost 80 MP
Range 13
+60 Hp
+60 MP
+10 Defense
+3 Speed
+75 MP
+7 Dexterity
+6 Defense
Total ST Bonus
+45 HP
+45 MP
+9 Defense
Partial ST bonus when 2, 3 and 4 pieces are equipped:
+15 HP
+15 MP
+3 Defense
Note: The Mystery ST Chest item will now contain the new Wizard ST set instead of the Legacy Wizard ST set, which has been removed from the mystery item.
Oryx Horde has been deactivated
Various Bug fixes
Upcoming events
As of now, you would probably start looking for the new encounter as well as take advantage of the currently active Double Event White drop chance Event, but we would like to share a little bit more of what is to come:
Wormhole Bonanza
The event will run from 08/09 - 12:00 PM UTC until 08/16 - 6:00 AM UTC. During this event, there will be a 100% chance of a specific wormhole spawning at the end of 4 specific dungeons:
Secluded Thicket - Malogia
Lair of Draconis - Untaris
Puppet Master Encore - Katalund
The Nest - Forax
Chest Challenge Bonanza
The event will run from 08/14 - 12:00 PM UTC until 08/20 - 6:00 AM UTC. During the event, 4 different chest challenges will be running at the same time, in 4 different places!
Ice Tomb
The Crawling Depths
The winner of the Discord poll (
For the last one, we have prepared something special. We’ve looked into your feedback and created events in two new places: The Void and Cultist Hideout!
But how long will they be active for and when, that decision is in your own hands! Check out the official RotMG Discord channel and vote in the #deca-polls to decide!
UFO spawn guaranteed
The Event will run from 08/13 until 08/21 ~ 12:00 UTC
The last week of MotMG 2019 will be special for one more reason! In each realm, the UFO spawn will be guaranteed. So, if you still miss some Metal Scraps, a Loaded Core or Armors, this is the perfect time to get them.
Encounter Portal Drop
Last but not least, due to your positive feedback, we decided to extend the 100% encounter portal drop event until the end of the month!