Things to consider first
This sometimes happens due to insufficient funds in the card, information not being filled in properly or your bank restricting access to your card for security reasons. Please make sure to check the following:
- Your bank account has enough funds to complete the transaction.
- You have filled in your credit/debit card number properly.
- Your CVV/CVC (security code) has been filled in properly. This code usually sits on the back of the card, like so:
- That your bank has not restricted access to your card for any reason.
- That your card is able to complete online and international payments.
- Your internet connection is stable.
If the issue persists still, you can also try to restart the client and attempt the payment again.
We sometimes restrict payments
Our billing provider, Xsolla, sometimes restricts payments due to suspicions of fraud. This is done for security reasons and to protect you! If you've made sure that all of the above does not apply to you, please feel free to contact Xsolla by visiting the following link.