If your account has been suspended then you have most likely taken part in activities that violate our ToS. These include:
- Griefing - purposefully disrupting others' gameplay with malicious intent.
- Offensive language - using profanity, racial slurs or any other form of offensive language in chat.
- Use of third party software - using software that has not been published or endorsed by us, in order to gain advantage, circumvent game mechanics, disrupt others' gameplay, etc. Most commonly the type of third party software that will get you banned is called a "hacked client".
- Abusing exploits in order to disrupt others' gameplay, duplicate items, gain an abnormal amount of fame, etc.
- Duplicating items - using third party software or exploits in order to "duplicate", or artificially create, items that did not drop for you.
- Real world trading - purchasing items or other benefits from third party websites, account selling.
Every case is individually reviewed and an individual punishment is issued out. The duration of your suspension will vary depending on the severity of the violation and the amount of violations you've committed in the past.
Depending on the violation, the items in your vault that have been obtained in dishonest ways or your characters that have been used in exploits may be deleted.
In order to receive more information about your specific situation, please contact our support team. If you've taken part in any of the activities listed above, we highly advise you to let us know in your ticket. Being upfront and honest with us about your actions will lead to more leniency on our side.