Keeping your account and private information safe and secure is of utmost importance. Here are some general guidelines on what you must avoid doing if you want your account to remain safe:
- Avoid sharing your password with anyone, even us, we will never ask for it.
- Do not click on untrusted links.
- Do not use the same password over multiple websites.
- Do not use any common words or things that may be related to you (birth date, phone number, etc.) in your password.
- Avoid using any third party software to play Realm. This might even get you banned!
- Avoid visiting any third party websites that promote selling in-game items for money.
- Type your password on a device you don’t trust.
- Type your password when using the Internet on a network you don’t trust.
- Do not share your personal information (address, name, etc.) in-game or over the internet, especially to people you don't know.
- Do not type your bank account information in untrusted websites or third party software.