April 8, 2021
Hello Realmers,
Today we are letting you know a bit more about ValsinedGM, one of our Costumer Support agents that has a peculiar superpower…
IGN, Nationality and Age?
Hey guys, ValsinedGM here coming to you straight from Bulgaria, and I am turning 26 years old this year.
What is your job? Tell us about it.
I am currently occupying the Senior CS Agent position, meaning my primary objective is to handle player requests sent to us on the Customer Support Desk. The day-to-day stuff I do is really interesting for me because I usually handle the more specific issues / bugs that players are facing.
It allows me to really get my hands dirty with the technical stuff. Let me tell you that when there is a shortage of such tickets it’s a good sign for us and the players. It means we are delivering a good quality product. But when I get some of those tickets – oooh man, don’t get me started! Nothing feels better than solving a tough one.
Any hidden talents or hobbies?
Well… here at Deca we always add context to this question by saying – “No exceptions, everyone has a hidden talent, so spit it out!”.
And in accordance with this standard, I wanna share a very intriguing talent of mine – which is that I am really good at getting hiccups, almost as good as getting rid of them. I could apply for the hiccup prevention hotline. For many of you, I realize that may be an odd talent but believe me – if you get hiccups as often as I do, this talent can more accurately be described as a superpower.
As for hobbies – I used to be a very hardcore gamer. Recently I’ve let that go and became a casual in that regard. But the same can’t be said for my other big hobby – which is programming. I love to automate parts of my workflow or make others more efficient, and some of you may have heard of this saying from a wise man:
– “Never spend 6 minutes doing something by hand when you can spend 6 hours failing to automate it”
And to be honest with you – based on my experience – it holds true to this day.
How did you end-up on DECA?
Like most good things that happen to us in life, randomly. Someone I know mentioned that someone they know mentioned that they were looking to hire a guy for some IT job (it was even vaguer than that) and I was like:
- “Yeah sure, what’s the job ?”
- (friend) “Don’t worry about it, you’ll be playing games all day”
So my mind goes thinking that this is some sort of QA job or an in-game moderator or something like that. After the first interview, I was informed that this was in-fact a CS agent position which was great since I had previous experience in the customer service area. And after a few weeks.. boom (!) there you go, ValsinedGM was born.
Did you play RotMG before?
Sadly, no. But I started as soon as I was informed I was being hired. And honestly, it was fun. Like fun-fun. Don’t forget we are talking about the Adobe Flash version of RotMG here. Exalt takes this experience to a whole new level and we couldn’t be happier with the progress the game has made, and our plans for the future.
Favorite Class, Dungeon and Item?
- Ninja
- Beachzone
- Admin Katana.
Nuff said.
What other games do you play?
Ah, that’s a deep one. Currently, I only have time for Satisfactory Early-access. It’s like therapy, really, and helps me relieve any stress or other unwanted emotions I might have pent-up. I definitely recommend it as it’s what the name suggests – extremely satisfactory and it focuses on building something that looks cool and making things work – not on killing stuff.
And since we mentioned killing stuff – I am a die-hard Dead Space fan. The games were really fascinating to me and even though I don’t have the time to enjoy them properly any more – I do end up listening to all cutscenes and dialogues from the games on youtube, like an audiobook. Dead Space 1 2 and 3 combine a great immersive story, unique battle mechanics and lots of replayability. This is the recipe that I need in a game. It kind of reminds me of RotMG in a way, because it tries to present a whole different way to play an otherwise typical format. Plus… I frankly love stomping those necromorphs.
I also spent 5 or 6 years playing League of Legends all the way back from Season 1 – the community there is just something else. Like – SOMETHING ELSE. But that experience helped me to be calmer, which now helps me with my job as CS ! So, that worked out great!
What makes RotMG unique?
Boy, where do I start ? The pixel art style! Perma-death! So many different progression paths and so many classes! And the community! Just to name a few.
I personally am a big fan of pixel games and pixel art in general. While simple, pixel art holds a little bit of nostalgia for the older generation of games which we have all grown up with and learned to love. Combine that with the bullet-hell and perma-death aspects all working together with the express purpose to obliterate this undeniably unique community – that’s what makes RotMG unique.
You died? Good, that’s progression – time to try even harder now !
How do you see the game in 10 years?
Still kickin’ it of course ! As I mentioned before, RotMG has something unique going for it and while it has its perks, I believe that, with the time we have invested and continue to invest into developing the game and content, we can provide a lot of entertainment to the community for many, many years to come.
If we want to go into details, I can imagine a game without bots, and with some improvements to the early-game phase. One in which players who are just starting out have a clear understanding of the game’s mechanics and goals.